
Wherever men are together in the manner of speech and action

You can either water your person or your bush but you can't beat around the choice. Part of being a confident and well-adjusted individual is assertively making decisions and finishing the job. Part of being an American is being comfortable in your own home in whatever attire you desire. You sign your name on the contract and you knowingly reap the benefits. An American at home makes declarations, proclamations, allegiances, and confessions. It’s like that Kells/Snoop jam it’s like that’s that shit it does not cease. What Snoop means by "it's real strong, real fat and real long" is that a confident and accustomed individual is well acquainted with the expressive nature of the space of appearance. You are either admitted or you are not. If you got reaping on lock, you are lovingly admitted and given water for your person and your bush.


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