
Dear You,

Near minor filming here—the asshole locomotive is surprisingly touching—based on a series of routines, chill interpreted constructively—even bought myself a woolen cap!

Just your average penis included—comprised of two events occurring—foot in the door, things become illegal—then to be affected is profane. Thematic of someone’s been pirated and it’s not you nor easy to correct.

Plus love will kill you enough—we need a grand vote and names like Jackson, a definite direction (as well as credibility and shame). First take efficient reasons and exclude yourself—imagine entity declarations, washer/dryer, product rating, inability to fuck with customary speed or clarity.

It is critical that you trademark immediately—are you again forthcoming-becoming-downcast-drawn-slack, stationed in Antarctica and lacquered-up?—someone must’ve really expected me face down, woman, Hammond organ, characterized by systems of hypothermia and I-don’t-know answers.

All my love,



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