
Holy Okie from Muscogee! the rain continues to fall on that stalled firetruck with the sirens blaring! Hi, it's been a while, I have these two things in mind namely (mainly): I heard from a bird what Aristotle called the origin of philosophy last night and I want badly to tell what you most probably already know but currently find myself away from the necessary brains (texts) so our collective awe will have to wait just a few more hours. The other question is for Science about the moon, and Spicer's "mune" too. This for now will all be labeled "later" - Milton & the history of the English Civil War of which I know nothing is calling most loudly. Meantime, go see Hess, he's been rolling. ** This vacuous un-update brought by Alli Warren, Scorpio in standing, to be filled in like a cannoli more later.


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